Sunday, June 19, 2011

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  • gcnirvana
    09-10 01:36 PM
    Just completed a one-time contribution of $200 towards the rally. Its highly unfortunate that I will not able to come to the rally. But my contributions will continue in form of money and other efforts till our goals are reached.

    Here is the confirmation on my paypal trx: 7F411123HE851093R

    Go IV Go!!!

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  • sledge_hammer
    03-04 12:05 PM
    Chevy Chase is a bank in this part of the world! :)

    I like the actor too btw...

    LOL. I think you meant JP Morgan Chase :) CHEVY CHASE is an actor.

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  • anilsal
    07-16 12:37 PM
    have posted info on this campaign to their chapters. I am sure this high-five campaign will be a great success. Keep the fire on.

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  • kevinkris
    07-14 08:16 PM
    Donno how to do this. Admins?


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  • Blessing&Lifeisbeautiful
    08-13 04:21 PM
    With the current situation, I think it may take 2 to 3 months...

    Probable longer for an RFE. Receipt notices are taking 6 weeks+. When do you think EAD will come out. It used to be 60-90 days. With quite a few EADs out in less than 60 days.

    Any ideas

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  • spbpsg
    05-02 10:05 AM
    Today I see $1200/- deposited by IRS in my checking account. It is stimulas package for me and my spouse (both with SSN) but no package for my son who still has TIN.


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  • venkata555
    09-10 01:49 AM
    just donated 100$ thru google checkout . transaction id Google Order #312235194400027

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  • nursekm
    10-24 12:00 AM



    REF :


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  • snathan
    02-09 10:28 PM
    Lets make the EB2 date to 28 Dec 05..tthat will cover my PD :D:D:D

    For that you have to donate.

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  • jay
    07-07 12:40 AM
    Can Patton Boggs do better? Haven't we had more legislative success, I mean traction, when we partnered with Quinn Gillespie? Are we receiving sound advice on which of our grievances require legislative action and which ones can be redressed by a mere change in policy on the part of the executive? It looks like most of our current problems were not ushered in by any new law, but rather by a stroke of a pen in a memo by the incompetent and indifferent INS, USCIS, DOL and the State Department. No change in law was needed to make then deny us concurrent filing in Oct 2005 and allow it in July 2007. No change in law was required to deny us visa revalidation. One could argue that no change in law is required to belatedly use unused visas from the previous years. The list goes on. It should be easier to lobby a handful of buffoons in the executive branch with real power than 500+ buffoons on Capitol Hill. Has Patton Boggs served us well?


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  • conundrum
    03-12 12:05 PM
    I am not sure whether it helps to have a donor's only club

    IV should be open to anyone and everyone.

    My question is what stops a donor from posting stuff in the Donors only forum in the open forum? Is IV going to ban them? What is IV planning on doing if it posted on another forum?

    IMHO by creating a donors only forum IV is creating more divisions and problems than it can handle. There is already enough division in the legal immigrant community in IV and one more is definitely not going to help anyone. By all means designate someone as a donor but a seperate forum........

    It is very easy to contradict or find errors.

    No body is getting paid here to have a tester test it.

    Yes I like the idea of donor for paid members. There are 31000 members not even 2500 members are contributing. This is one way of making them pay for the services or the info you get from the forum.

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  • jonty_11
    07-05 12:58 PM
    I used AILA site to send the mail. May be some one else provide the email info. Thanks
    Email and Web Forms of all US SEnators

    Take some time to send the message on Page 1 of this thread.


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  • man-woman-and-gc
    06-11 02:18 PM
    I agree GC makes a difference. If anyone as EAD thats as good as GC subject to your primany job not changing. So why not do side -business on EAD while your primary job is ON. Take it easy at job, dont overwork because without GC rarely people get promoted, if they are not extra-ordinary!

    Going to XYZ place because of no GC does not make sense. If you have potential you can use it here on EAD not necessarily in another country!

    If u take it easy at ur job in today's date..u may get fired and lose ur side business as well. Remember, your primary job is the reason why u have the EAD and and are able to setup a side business. The Primary job according to me will always need to get its due importance.

    There is no question that GC makes a difference in life. However, its upto each one of us how much importance we give to it. My personal opinion, I will keep fighting for it and contribute to the fight against the broken process whenever I can..but I will not stop my life because of GC, example, buy a house, travel around, give my wife an opportunity to excel in her job (since i cannot take promotions until GC).....all these are difficult without GC, but not impossible.

    Everyone will and should have their own way of dealing with the situation we have...

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  • funny
    09-15 04:27 PM
    People, most of us here are just afraid that they will get red dots, be ridiculed for their beliefs. But the things is; If we don't fight for our rights, who will. We have to defend our place in the queue, which at the moment is at substantial risk.

    I want everybody to get their GCs. but now interfiling/porting is hurting out position in the queue.

    If you are not aware, a good bunch of EB3s are now trying to interfile & port their PDs which are between 2001 - 2005 to EB2.

    This will potentially put tens of thousands of people in the EB2 queue before most people in EB2 who are waiting.

    These people were not eligible for EB2 when they filed their own labor.. so they should NOT BE ALLOWED TO PORT THEIR OLD PDs. Sure EB3 can Interfile .. but you will get a new PD ... the date you interfile.

    If we just keep looking... there will be a huge retrogression in EB2. And its not like these EB3 people will get through with the interfiling/porting. Most of them will be issued RFEs. Their labor apps will be audited and their primary EB3 apps will be cancelled. Infact, 85% of interfiling will never successfully make it through. And its not like it will help the EB3 brothers. That queue will still be long... because they are not going to withdraw their EB3 apps.
    Also, while they will not succeed in interfiling/porting, they still will have their apps with USCIS and USCIS will sit on them before eventually issuing NOID. Sad part is they will count these when giving numbers to DOS for setting visa bulletins.

    This PD porting is the last "not so ethical & legal" thing after labor substitution.. that we need to Put a cork on.

    If we don't act now... then we can all expect to stay in AOS for the next 5 years. This holds for both EB2 and EB3.

    I want everybody to get their GCs. I also am OK with the wait.
    But anything that threatens my position in the queue is not acceptable.

    My dear friend "GCtest"

    There are two really important threads going on on IV.
    1.IV call campaign HR 5882
    2. Give me a HIGH FIVE.

    Before using IV's resoruces and knowledge available from all the members available on IV, did it ever occur to you to contribute "+vly" on these 2 threads...I am asking +ve contribution here... because u are really good at contributing -vely on the forum.


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  • Jimi_Hendrix
    11-14 01:59 PM
    Our count is now at 9 members. This is fabulous. I am really looking forward to some communication from core team about action items.

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  • McLuvin
    03-09 12:22 PM
    KLPD ho gaya bhailog....

    Man one more depressing start for EB3-I aspirants... :mad:


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  • Tagged as #22, Alex Pettyfer,

  • Milind123
    09-14 12:13 PM

    Thanks Libra for bumping. Please allow me to do it. I think we still need one shot to go.

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  • ronhira
    07-06 03:21 PM
    what is this suppose to mean, should I be scared


    Your post was reported a vulgar by another member. We do not encourage vulgar indecent language on the forum. You have left us with no other choice but to verify you, or else we will be left with no other choice to ban you from IV website. Please send us a phone number to reach you, or call us at 202/386-6250. If we do not hear from you in next hour, we will be forced to ban you.

    We value our message and do not allow others to use IV website to harm our goal.

    Please contact us immediately.

    IV team

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  • priti8888
    06-24 04:13 PM
    Think about this

    Only EB India /China /mexico/Philipines(ICMP) suffers the most for their GC's

    EB ROW do not worry about GC process as much as ICMP. Their wait is not more then 2-3 years.

    Its wrong to generalize that since ICMP's suffer , all other EB's suffer.

    Its totally baseless to generalize that since ICMP's dont invest , go back to home countries due to GC , everybody does.

    US does not gain from intelligent Indians only. There are PhD's and smart ppl from other countries as well.

    07-20 12:44 PM
    What happens if I get my EAD after 180 days of concurrent filing i-140 & i-485, and my employer no longer has a vacancy for me. Can I start at another job or do I have to refile the i-140. (I'm not presently working for the company yet - Schedule A applicant)

    I think you can start another job with the same job description. EAD is not tied to the employer. It is tied to you. AC21 is a blessing for us in this regard.

    After 180 days, you are free and you almost got virtual GC except that you need to work in the same job description and maintain character.

    04-01 08:46 AM
    Wow, so you're telling me be happy as somebody else is in pain now ???
    Their problems doesn't make me smile here. I want solutions to my problems.

    If you need solutions to your problems, you need to act professionallly as all other IV members do. Please stop throwing tantrums and also mind your P's and Q's when you utter expletives against USCIS. Will you be brave enough (if not foolhardy enough) to reproduce whatever you said here in a letter and send it out to the USCIS? Trust me, you'll not since you'd act politely and professionally to make out your case. We expect you to act with decorum when you discuss pertinent issues in IV forum.

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