Monday, June 27, 2011

super 8 creature

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  • 8 photosNew #39;Super 8′ Stills

  • amitga
    06-11 10:24 AM
    I just did the math.

    I am sure most of you have assets worth of at least $150,000. So if 300,000 are stuck in the backlog. This would mean if these guys leave this country, then that would be $45 trillion loss for USA.

    Guys is there a way to get some media publicity of the possible loss of $45 trillion for USA due to US Immigration mess??

    It would be only $45 billion not trillion.

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  • house would be a monster movie, super 8 movie monster.

  • vayumahesh
    11-05 11:57 AM
    It has been 15 days after applying I-140 under premium processing and still waiting for approval.

    super 8 creature. Super 8 received an overall B+
  • Super 8 received an overall B+

  • anilsal
    07-24 12:46 AM
    Yeah, BEC was a great thing that happened to make everything a lottery IMHO.

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  • hairstyles 8 Sep 2010 . super 8 creature revealed. super 8 monster

  • bskrishna
    07-11 12:42 PM
    I don't see what is really different. I am not talking about July 2007. I am talking about May or June bulletin 2007. Do you mean the bulletin on May or June 2007 is to utilize the visa so the dates are not the "real" date? Then how do you know Aug. 2008 move is not for the same purpose? Especially if this movement is caused by spillover.

    There is chance that CIS and/or DOS know the breakdown of categories by country now as against last year. That is being a bit on the optimistic side.


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  • Super 8 Interactive

  • rkm
    07-11 08:01 AM
    Very Good News for EB2-I.

    super 8 creature. Movie Review: Super 8
  • Movie Review: Super 8

  • mhathi
    07-18 07:45 PM
    the $20/mnth was pulled a while back- hardly anyone was signing up for monthly contributions and everyone went for the lwoest amount. all in all a shameful situation. my humble suggestion- in a lumpsome, donate the amount equivelant to 20/mnth for the next 4 mnths ie $80, then when the EAD comes you can start recurring contributions.

    Thanks! That is exactly what we discussed after posting the above. Check will be on the way for $80 soon.


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  • 6 new minutes of Super 8 prove

  • AabTuAgaGC
    01-21 10:08 AM
    I finally got a LUD on 1/18/2007. Today, I got my second LUD, 1/21/2008. Hopefully the approval will be mailed soon.

    2010 Super 8 received an overall B+ super 8 creature. Super 8 (2011)
  • Super 8 (2011)

  • amitjoey
    06-05 04:28 PM
    There is a lot of merchandise under $20 that members can buy, proceeds (only a small- portion) goes to IV.


    super 8 creature. J.J. Abrams: Super 8#39;s monster
  • J.J. Abrams: Super 8#39;s monster

  • conundrum
    09-15 05:21 PM
    I do believe that each person has the right to champion for whatever cause s/he believes in. But don't you think that instead of this class war we should fight the USCIS system and ensure FIFO. I believe if we have a transparent and smooth USCIS functioning then a lot of our problems will be solved. At least we will know where we stand without the uncertainty!!

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  • Super 8 revives hiding the

  • sam_hoosier
    01-03 04:13 PM
    I think you bring up very valid points. For a lot of ppl who have stayed away from family/extended family for so long, they may not like the constant interference.

    "I miss my parents" is not quantifiable but what about the paying back the debt by supporting your aging parents? Let me make the question a little broader, isn't every immigrant divided between doing what's best for the children and supporting the parents?

    I dont think one is necessarily doing kids a dis-service by electing to go back. On the contrary, kids experience tremendous personal growth through interaction with extended family which is not possible in a foreign land.


    super 8 creature. Brand new #39;Super 8#39; TV Spots:
  • Brand new #39;Super 8#39; TV Spots:

  • andy007
    07-17 11:59 PM
    Once they accept I-485 in the system then they give us a Receipt#, with that Receipt we can file for EAD / AP (as long as your PD becomes available) then they will process your I-485, Just thinking.. what do you say guys ... Please lete me know.. Receipt Date Vs Visa Number ...


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  • It seems Super 8 may play the

  • guest1978
    08-11 07:33 PM
    What category/country and what PD?

    I am July 2nd filer, Got finger print notice from NSC with notice dated 8/7.


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  • that the creature/monster

  • malaGCPahije
    10-17 10:07 AM
    Everyone who contributed to this have done a great job. Hopefully USCIS takes a note of this and rectifies their process in the future. I will send the letters soon. Thanks to each one of you for the efforts.

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  • what is super 8 monster.

  • rkotamurthy
    01-18 06:47 PM
    I don't think there was a Conf Call in '07. Does anyone know when the next call is scheduled?

    Does anyone communicate with the "Core Team" and get updates ? Could somebody explain how IV works?


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  • Super 8 Alien Monster Concept

  • pmamp
    07-12 10:36 AM
    Where did you get your DL renewed? Which state? :confused:

    Hoosier land - Indiana.

    dresses It seems Super 8 may play the super 8 creature. 8 photosNew #39;Super 8′ Stills
  • 8 photosNew #39;Super 8′ Stills

  • AllVNeedGcPc
    10-21 09:32 PM
    ... for example:

    Step 1: File EB2 Perm labor (6-10 months)
    Step 2: File 140 (2 days to 4 months)

    And when should you interfile / port your EB3 date? Should you do it when you apply for 140 or should you do it after 140 approval when you apply for 485?

    Thanks in advance


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  • house with a Super 8 camera in super 8 creature revealed.

  • vbkris77
    06-25 06:48 PM
    Reverse Brian Drain. I believe it is already been identified and some of the State governors wrote to Washington that they are observing a reverse brain drain and it is not good for the country.

    I just started my GC Process, But I kept a 5 Year time frame to try this out. That is my breaking point. I am sure everybody will have some or other breaking point. I don't think I want to browse IV website lifetime.

    We do need to fight and give a sincere try to achieve this before the whole thing breaks out. But if it breaks out, I am sure both ends lose. I lose an opportunity to enjoy American dream.

    Of course, America loses, jobs that I am indirectly creating. Taxes that I am paying. Social security. More than everything my experience.

    In all this, my home country gains. All my savings and experience will work for India. I think it is an opportunity loss for America.

    Imagine, 1M people, with an average saving of 20K per year with atleast 10 Years of compounding and then sending all this money to Home country to go back and settle there. It will create enough financial turbulence for any country.

    On the contrary, Imagine the other way, if they give say citizenship faster, All those Indian Savings, repatriate to America. All of a sudden, America will add lot of fortune to their GDP for free.

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  • The Super 8 Monster Pictures

  • abhishek101
    09-01 03:24 PM
    Landed in july 2000

    Changed employer in nov 2000

    Joined a fortune 10 company in aug 2001, they had a policy to wait for 1 year before any GC application.

    Started process in August 2002, Finally labor was filed in March 2003

    May 2004 Company bought another company and in merger my department was closed, Was laid off in October 2004, was lucky enough that a job I had interviewed internally came through. Started with them in October 2004 but with a 20% salary cut :(

    Finally labor was approved in 2005.Got 140 approved in Jan 2006.

    Dates became current in June 2007 but lawyer delayed the filing till July when all dates became unavailable. Due to political pressure dates became current and was able to file for 485.

    Got married in Nov 2008.

    Company bought another company in 2008 and the merger resulted in job loss again in April 2009.

    Was lucky enough again to find another job in the company.

    Within 1 month got another job offer in the company with a promotion. So after 2004 came back to original salary in 2009.

    Still in 2010 I am not making as much money as I made in 2000-2001 when I had just landed.

    Talked to my new manager in Dec 2009 to apply GC in EB2 since it is a VP position with 8 year experience requirement he said a big NOOOOOOOO.

    Finally boss agreed to start the new GC in EB2 in July 2010.

    Talked to lawyer and after evaluation they agreed that my new job is more than 50% different from my old jobs and hence I can use the experience.

    Started the process with the lawyer but since it is a big company all processe take forever to begin :(

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  • also produced #39;Super 8#39;

  • mbawa2574
    07-06 02:25 AM
    what is "something" you want to do?

    wwbd? what would bawa do?

    U need to change ur handle :-)

    02-09 09:03 PM
    Rather than dreaming and wasting your time by predicting the future visa bulletin...

    Please contribute

    07-11 02:51 PM
    "Demand for numbers will result in the Employment Third preference Other Worker category reaching the annual FY-2008 numerical limit. As a result, this category will become “unavailable” beginning in August and will remain so for the remainder of FY-2008. Such action will only be temporary, however, and the Employment Third preference Other Worker cut-off date will return to 01JAN03 in October, the first month of the new fiscal year."

    Question is how long will it stay 01Jan03?

    My PD is feb 03 :mad:
    They are talking about the EB-3 Other Worker category, NOT EB-3 India (one row below EB-3-I in the bulletin)
    If you see July bulletin
    the EB-3 - Other Worker was 01Jan03 which is now U in August bulletin

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