Thursday, June 23, 2011

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  • perm
    07-20 04:09 PM
    this is not over

    2. Durbin was the man again...that derailed us.

    can't expect anything better from him. i had sent an fax to him for some drive and he replied back with his propanganda of no child left behind of something like that.

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  • GCAmigo
    03-13 09:49 AM
    As much as I appreciate the efforts that the IV core team has put in, them being so secretive, it is almost like they have formed a cabal.

    I feel 'cabal' is too strong a word.. secrecy may be but I don't see any conspiracy here..


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  • h_shaik
    09-28 06:45 PM
    If the information is correct and authentic can IV make a complient to Zoe Lofgren who played significant role in July 2007 Visal bulletin fiasco. I hope she might respond in the similar way.

    Oh Law Firm Update :

    09/28/2007: Depressing News for the Year-End Backend 485 Delays and Potential Waste of Visa Numbers for FY 2007

    Unconfirmed sources indicate that two days before the end of FY 2007, there may be a substantial number of 485 applications for which visa numbers are available but have yet to be adjudicated, indicating that some visa numbers could be wasted this year. We know that the Service Centers have been working day and night and did not have enough resources to deal with the crisis which was brought about by the recent Visa Bulletin fiasco. We just hope for the better new fiscal year that will start from October 1, 2007.

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  • malaGCPahije
    07-15 03:06 PM
    Total So far 1340.00. We are Well short of our target of 2000.00. Let's Go Guys. $5 to IV = Hope for GC = Subway FootLong Sub.

    Using BOFA billpay. Should reach in 4 days...Will send more later...


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  • gc_on_demand
    04-30 02:38 PM
    What they are discussing .. can some one put something..

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  • learning01
    04-25 03:04 PM
    I welcome your stickiness. This idea is not new to the forum. Go and search the threads. We have an active agenda of sending the faxes, writing LTEs, follwoing up senators and their offices after discussions, writing to news anchors, talking heads etc.


    Good thing you are doing and not talking, but lot of members are giving good suggestions, like contacting Professors who attended the Hearing this morning in the judiciary commitee meetings. Isnt that a new idea that was brought about only today...

    We need more ideas and more action as we go along.

    ...not people running around with sticks trying to exert power or whatever they think they are doing..I mean grow up man..learn to deal with people


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  • jonty_11
    07-06 01:25 PM
    I never saw this roumer any where..
    well its a few posts above on this thread..

    BTW, I am wondering why DOS keeps posting updates to July VB, rather than justmaking everything "U" instead of "C".....This is confusing.

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  • singhsa3
    09-12 10:10 AM
    Hi Bawa,
    Your idea is good to but please be also open to other ideas. You don't know what will fail or pass. The prime objective is to attract media attention, in other words "give them something to talk about". What flower campaing did last year was exactly that...Can we achieve the same thing with Book or Calculators or Clock or Poster, we need to figure that out!

    I agree that calculator /flower campaign can fail. But poster (actually pamphlet) and letter campaign will cost only 41 cents stamp from us.


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  • mirage
    08-04 12:18 PM
    Since you don't know that EB-3 PD was Nov-2001 before it became unavailable it tells me that you are not EB-3 India.
    I believe this thread is not for you please move on. Please don't disrupt something not meant for you and not going to harm you...

    Read in red above and comments on it below:
    1- You are telling the person writing visa bulletin that he does not do his job right.

    Sorry to be blunt, but I find this letter factually incorrect and lacks a purpose that will help us.

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  • indio0617
    03-09 11:30 AM

    I think they have closed for today. Will meet again, next Wednesday, Thursday ( as per Sen Specter) to discuss more amendments....


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  • pappu
    08-28 10:56 AM
    since this last month has been one of the most frustrating in terms of any movement from any standpoint...thought i d write another op ed
    Where is my Ellis Island?

    IV member

    Thank you very much for your effort. IV team is working on getting op-eds published.

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  • ps57002
    07-22 12:48 PM
    can people also give idea how long/when u got the certified hard copy of approval esp if from atlanta


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  • Libra
    09-10 04:32 PM
    thank you krispal

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  • glen
    07-05 01:19 PM
    Wrote emails to FL senators. I will call them now.


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  • kak1978
    10-20 12:19 PM
    Sent the letters, took less than a minute.

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  • gc_check
    07-21 07:31 AM

    I recently got a aloan from BOA on EAD without any probem.
    The Loan officer was fully aware the visa sattus. Dont know how he maneged but for me I didn't face any problem in financing from BOA.

    If you still face problem send me a private message an I will pass his informations so that you will be on right loan offcer hands who understand visa status etc.

    Do you posses a valid / current visa along with EAD. They seem to be okay with visa, and seems to lack knowledge on the EAD/485 stuff. Can you please PM the link to the loan office you worked, if he is agreeing to talk / provide updates. BTW, mine is a re-finance, and never had problem before and this is the first time, the visa issue is causing difficulties. The reason I went through this loan agent is the rate I am getting.


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  • McLuvin
    10-22 09:47 AM
    What is the average time frame for this whole process??

    Lets say once the company approves for the porting process....

    What is the average time involved for processing, PWD, adv., then perm filing/approval...

    Anyone who had gone through and had experience.. pls share...


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    04-30 03:14 PM
    Mr.King is a mouth piece for some (NUmbersUSa......) with out any knowledge on issues....
    What do you expect from MR.King?

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  • arthsidhu
    09-10 03:33 PM
    and for those who can't donate few dollars for their own cause, I leave that that for your own imagination..

    People who are working for this cause are not doing for just themselves. It can't be said enough about this rally, but again you have to have some conscious to donate to the rally.

    $30,000 needed and we haven't reached halfway yet. Pity the GC seekers. They should be rather called GC whiners.

    02-23 01:55 PM
    Processing dates for 485 seems to have greatly improved at NSC. Hopefully now they start issueing based on the priority date.

    02-24 11:57 AM
    Entire world is turning up against immigration. It is beyond individual/group control to lobby for changes in that area.

    It is on the threshold of the time. Right now we as individuals still can make a decision to continue to be in US and wait it out or go back to our home country.

    But if this trend continues, I am afraid, some new law will make that decision for us to send us all back. It is just around the corner. Worst part is we can't do a thing about that.

    So want to blame anyone, blame your politicians of your native country for creating such a mess that people wanted to move to a different country.

    Such thing can never happen. Also, don't lose hope. Look at how the world was before. Slavery, racism, castiesm, untouchability, intolerance, poverty etc.... it has always been a struggle to navigate through all these barriers and we are still navigating.

    Basically the attitude is "when my house is burning why should I accomodate these people" - it is how the world is and we have to navigate.

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