Saturday, July 2, 2011

Jim Toth And Reese Witherspoon Pictures

images Reese Witherspoon may be Jim Toth And Reese Witherspoon Pictures. Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth
  • Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth

  • pappu
    09-14 06:34 PM

    This is a request to every member working very hard in the media campaign and state chapters. If you get a response from any reporter for a media interview, DO NOT post the details on the forum. Please be alert if you find someone posting such message and immediately have that deleted.

    If you get a media lead immediately send an email with information about the media lead to --- media at

    By sharing sensitive information on the open forum please understand that you maybe destroying the hard work of everyone in the media effort. It takes lot of effort to get media stories. Each of our member is a PR agent for us and we have a well planned strategy to help this entire community and get the immigration issues solved.


    wallpaper Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth Jim Toth And Reese Witherspoon Pictures. Reese Witherspoon
  • Reese Witherspoon

  • meg_z
    03-27 08:35 AM
    Many of us have had a positive reaction to the TB skin test. So we take an X-ray to confirm we are fine and the doctor mark normal in the chest X-ray section. Pretty routinely done.

    Now my spouse had a negative TB skin test, so no X-ray needed. However the physician and my attorney have different views on how to fill out the chest X-ray section of the form. The physician checked nothing in the section and is very adamant about the way he fills out the form. My attorney believes that the NOT DONE box in the section should be checked as he claims that he has seen REFs if the NOT DONE box is not checked. What is your opinion? Appreciate your feedback. Thanks.

    Jim Toth And Reese Witherspoon Pictures. Reese Witherspoon to marry
  • Reese Witherspoon to marry

  • imbond707
    02-09 04:08 PM
    I am unable to upload FOIA documents to this site. Please send me an email at and I will reply with required documents.

    2011 Reese Witherspoon Jim Toth And Reese Witherspoon Pictures. Reese Witherspoon
  • Reese Witherspoon

  • lelica32
    06-25 02:14 PM
    I applied for extension of stay to California Sercice Center. But if I move to Texas, will be my case transfered to VSC??



    Jim Toth And Reese Witherspoon Pictures. Reese Witherspoon “didn#39;t have
  • Reese Witherspoon “didn#39;t have

  • Munshi75
    01-19 06:18 PM
    As long as the job responsibilities and duties match with what you are already performing, it is 100% safe to switch jobs . I had the same issue last year and I spoke with an attorney at Murthy law firm and based on which I started working with the new company. I did inform USCIS and everthing is working well so far.

    Good Luck.

    Jim Toth And Reese Witherspoon Pictures. Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth
  • Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth

  • doshhar
    07-04 01:24 PM
    Illegal non-immigrants did the rally to local USCIS offices. It would be good if we pick one day in 2nd week of July and have a rally to local USCIS offices. This will immediately catch the media attention.

    Rally news should be spread out to media so we can get enough coverage?

    Let's discuss if you guys like this idea.


    Jim Toth And Reese Witherspoon Pictures. Reese Witherspoon аnԁ Jim
  • Reese Witherspoon аnԁ Jim

  • csvinay
    06-10 02:50 PM

    2010 Reese Witherspoon to marry Jim Toth And Reese Witherspoon Pictures. Reese Witherspoon may be
  • Reese Witherspoon may be

  • ragz4u
    01-27 01:55 PM
    Keep it up :)


    Jim Toth And Reese Witherspoon Pictures. Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth
  • Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth

  • Blog Feeds
    09-11 12:00 PM
    There has been an interesting alliance of antis in both the health care and immigration arenas to scare people in to believing that illegally present immigrants will be eligible for subsidies to secure health insurance under the health care reform proposal being pushed by President Obama. That claim is patently false. But that did not stop one extremist in the Congress, Representative Joe Wilson (R-SC) from screaming "You lie!" when President Obama addressed that myth. This appalling lack of respect has already led the GOP to go in to damage control mode and Wilson issued an apology within minutes of...

    More... (

    hair Reese Witherspoon Jim Toth And Reese Witherspoon Pictures. Jim Toth decided for get marry
  • Jim Toth decided for get marry

  • ras
    02-21 05:47 PM
    I am sure that IV core team organizes events and actions pretty well. I know there are usually action items that get posted on IV.

    How about thinking about the action items in a different perspective. For any event/action, create a task force. Ofcourse that may have been what is done as of now. But all am saying is create a taskforce every action/event to be organized at different levels vi.z, IV Core, IV State, IV Local and create a menu item called TaskForce on the main page. Anyone who is interested in a particular event or action would get in touch with the taskforce team.

    Not sure if it makes sense but just a thought of coining a different name for the action items with assigned roles and ability to contact easily.


    Jim Toth And Reese Witherspoon Pictures. Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth
  • Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth

  • dngoyal
    05-15 10:20 AM
    I went for Fingerprinting for I-485 case seond time on 9th May. When it is updated in your profile at uscis website. I see it is still showing up old dates as LUD.
    Any idea ?

    hot Reese Witherspoon “didn#39;t have Jim Toth And Reese Witherspoon Pictures. Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth
  • Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth

  • Raj_Kumar
    02-19 06:01 PM
    Hi All,
    My employer has filed for ETA 9089 and it is approved. I am paying for the green card processing. Before applying for I-140 he asked me to sign a memorandum which states that I am bearing the complete expenses of the process (filing fees of I-140 , I-485 and $500 extra) . It also states that I need to be with the company for 6 months from the time green card is approved. In case I leave the company prior to 6 months for whatsoever reason, I need to pay $15000 as damaging charges to company.

    He says that signing this memorandum is mandatory otherwise he will not file I-140.

    My questions is , Is it legal to bind an employee to these conditions and ask processing fee to file Green card ? Also are these documents valid from legal perspective ?

    Please let me know your thoughts on this. Appreciate it.



    house Reese Witherspoon Jim Toth And Reese Witherspoon Pictures. Agent Toth was just promoted
  • Agent Toth was just promoted

  • SGP
    04-01 05:01 AM
    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$GOOD MORNING GC$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    Deadline = April 30th, 2011
    Goal = 5000 votes on survey (see I-485 filing w/o current PD thread) and momentum to continue with this campaign.The survey is a platform to gather and push for launching action items. Based on response by 04/30/2011 - IV will decide whether to even proceed with initiative or not.
    Actions - 1) Vote on survey.
    2)Email with PD, ph#,email & subject "I485 filing impacted�,
    3)Print/Circulate Fliers and spread FB, wiki link (see "support thread")

    This is a supporting thread to the "Want to File I-485 without Current Priority Date? Gather here" thread started by pappu.

    As suggested by pappu/starsun, this supporting thread provides impacted members with additional information and tools to help the initiative.

    Visit Immigration Voice Wiki ( 2C_and_EB3.29) - for overview of Employment Based - Green Card process
    Visit I485 Filing w/o current PD Wiki ( - for overview of this initiative

    As pappu stated in the first post of the above referenced thread - some of the ongoing efforts include finding how many IV members would get benefit from such a provision and get basic details such as username/Priority Date of impacted members. Future action items might include drafting documents and letters to support this provision. There maybe actions such as sending emails etc. However we would not be able to open a public action item unless we can have thousands of our members willing to participate in a grassroots action item. This survey intends to understand the needs of our membership for this provision and collect grassroots information.

    The fact is we have a dedicated group of volunteers (and we need more) who have been trying their best to spread the message about this initiative so that a strong grass-roots support can be created leading up to launch of the public action items. So far we have around 1100 people who have responded. Based on quick calculations carried out using PERM data, it is estimated that there are at least 60K-70K EB applicants waiting to file I-485/EAD/AP (this is a very conservative estimate..the actual number could be much more). Grass-roots initiatives require time and patience and we request maximum number of impacted folks to participate actively.
    What can you do to participate?
    1) Vote on the poll/survey created by Pappu.

    Then please send an email to (starsun) with subject - "I485 filing without current PD - Impacted Member". Include your a) IV username b) Email address c) Phone #, d) State of Residence e) Priority Date - so that grassroot efforts can be coordinated

    2) Print out below Flier and circulate at all asian/indian malls/groceries/theaters. Forward the flier to your friends/co-workers and ask them to do the same.

    I485 Filing Initiative Flier (

    3) Volunteers have created a facebook community and an Immigration Voice WIKI page to spread the message about this initiative. Please circulate these links among your friends/co-workers who will be helped.

    Please "Share" and "Link" and "send to friend" the facebook community via your Facebook account. Also include these two links when you post on the IV forum.

    Facebook - IV I485 filing w/o current PD initiative community (!/pages/Immigration-Voice-Grass-roots-Campaigns/150562351660693?v=info)

    (Just FYI that you might have to be logged in for the above link to direct to the facebook community. Alternately, search for "Immigration Voice Grass-roots Campaigns" to find the community after logging in. Search "Immigration Voice" to go to the IV's main facebook page)

    Immigration Wiki -
    I485 Filing Initiative - IV Wiki (

    PM these members for additional info:
    nmdial ; geevikram ; vbkris77 ; ashwin_27 ; snathan
    Dedicated members can also join the leaders group:

    tattoo Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth Jim Toth And Reese Witherspoon Pictures. Reese Witherspoon is taking
  • Reese Witherspoon is taking

  • mello silva
    09-30 03:46 PM

    First time poster, long time reader.

    I recently received a RFE on my I-140 application for special registration (only apply for men born in the middle east). My attorney and I replied to the RFE letter explaining why I did not register for the requirement. It is been three months since they received my letter (as shown on the e-gov website). I still have not heard anything from USCIS. My status still reads 'RFE: Response Review'

    My question is :

    Do they always formally reply back to the applicant's RFE response and indicates whether they accepted it or not.? If so, will it be within the 4 month process time.?

    Aprreciate any thoughts.


    pictures Reese Witherspoon аnԁ Jim Jim Toth And Reese Witherspoon Pictures. reese-witherspoon-engaged.jpg
  • reese-witherspoon-engaged.jpg

  • gc_lover
    06-25 10:13 AM
    No...I don't think it will be problem. Please don't think too much and worry yourself. Fill in last few addresses and send the forms.

    dresses Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth Jim Toth And Reese Witherspoon Pictures. Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth
  • Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth

  • keerthisagar
    07-12 10:31 AM
    Dem govs urge White House to dump ‘toxic’ immigration fight - ( migration_fight/srvc=home&position=recent)


    makeup Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth Jim Toth And Reese Witherspoon Pictures. Reese Witherspoon
  • Reese Witherspoon

  • floridaguy
    06-23 08:41 PM
    Friends - anyone here who has applied in PERM where job required B.S + 2 - 4 yrs of experience? Mine is a Job zone 4(sr. software engineer), requires B.S + 30 months and in the PERM form the lawyer has entered 'No' to H12 question 'Is this normal requirements'. Were they right? Or should I be worried? Anybody can share any experience? Thanks!

    girlfriend Reese Witherspoon is taking Jim Toth And Reese Witherspoon Pictures. Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth
  • Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth

  • pr_001
    04-12 05:23 PM

    I am transferring my H1B from Employer A to B.

    With Employer A, I had my recent H1B extension approved till Oct 31 2011.

    I am going to have the period on this transfer as June 1 2009 - Oct 31 2011. (Which will 6 yrs in total on H1B status for me).

    I have question on form I-129, "Requested Action" section.

    Out of the following options, which one should I "Check":

    1. Extend the stay of the person(s) since they now hold this status.

    2. Amend the stay of the person(s) since they now hold this status.

    Please let me know.


    hairstyles Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth Jim Toth And Reese Witherspoon Pictures. Reese Witherspoon is engaged
  • Reese Witherspoon is engaged

  • hari-patti
    08-01 02:27 PM
    i posted this question and was wondering if anyone has an answer.
    I was told my case is in the examination department?
    what does that mean and how far along is the case b4 being approved?

    01-10 02:23 PM

    I remember I have seen this in some thread but I can't find it now. So I am repeating question here:

    My receipt number starts with EAC. In order to check processing times, which service center I should be looking at?


    And for the umpteenth time....

    EAC - Vermont
    WAC - California
    LIN - Nebraska
    SRC - Texas

    Steve Mitchell
    November 1st, 2005, 01:08 AM
    Nikon's very competitive price point on the 10.2 MP D200 ( ($1,849) will definitely test Canon's bet on the full frame and much more expensive 5D. Read about the new D200 here ( It should also hasten an announcement to a succesor to the 20D.

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